Developer Guide =============== INSTALL ------- Project uses Flask and PostgreSQL database to work. Add your Flask settings to `itupass/.env` file to operate, or to your server environment variables. **Prepare Environment**:: * Create virtual environment in venv folder: `$ virtualenv venv -p python3` * Install project: `$ pip install --editable .` * Set flask app name: `$ export FLASK_APP=itupass` `$ export FLASK_DEBUG=1` * Initialize database: `$ flask initdb` * Run application: `$ flask run` **Environment Variables**:: * `DATABASE_URI` - Database uri address (postgres://user:password@server:port/db) * `VCAP_SERVICES` - Bluemix settings * `SECRET_KEY` - Secret key for cookies * `SENTRY_DSN` - Sentry (debug tool) DSN * `TravisCI` - Check for Travis Continues Integration environment (pull request test service) Database Design --------------- * Main tables: `users`, `lectures`, `events`, `departments` * `lecture_departments` used to store department information for lectures, students of which departments can take those lectures. It connects to the `lectures` table using `lecture` key and to the `departments` table using `department` key. It was used to create ManyToMany relationthip between `lectures` and `departments` tables. * `lecture_schedule` used to store schedule information for lectures. As same lectures can have multiple schedules (like Math lectures) they are stored seperately and connected to the `lectures` table using `lecture` reference key. * `user_lectures` is for storing lecture registrations for users (Check User Guide for more information). * `event_categories` stores category names in multiple languages for Events. Model Design ------------ * Models are located under `itupass/models` folder, they all has similar structure: .. code-block:: python class (object): @classmethod def get(cls, pk): # Get item from database using select command with identifier, can be multiple identifiers for different entities # Return object with same time, initialized with database result # If row is not found, return None, do not raise exception @classmethod def count(cls, **kwargs): # Use "SELECT COUNT" to get number of rows # Use `kwargs` to make filter, same as in `filter` function # Return number of rows as integer @classmethod def filter(cls, limit=10, offset=0, order="id DESC", **kwargs): # Use SELECT command to fetch multiple rows from database # Use limit and order for select command # offset is used for pagination # `kwargs` is used for filtering parameters, use `where_builder` from `Database` class to build `WHERE` clause and its dictionaty values # Return list of objects in same type # If no results, return empty array def delete(self): # Delete current object from database using identifier (Primary Key) # Do not return anything def save(self): # If object is new, use INSERT command to add to the database # If existing object (check using identifier), find differences from the one existing in database using `diffkeys` # Use UPDATE command to update current item in database # Return new object using identifier and `get` function class Meta: table_name = "database_table_name_for_object" * `__init__` function of the object should take parameters in the same order as in schema.sql file. * After creating model add it to itupass/models/ file for easy import. **Create Form for each Model**: * For safety and validations, use Forms for creating models in views. * Forms are stored in `itupass/forms` folder. **Creating View**: * To show your new model in client you will need add view for it. * Create view file under `itupass/views` folder. * Make Blueprint variable for your view, add all views for that Blueprint. * Add your Blueprint variable to `itupass/views/` file for easy import. * Register your view in `itupass/` file to make it accessible. **Conclusion**: * After adding Model, Form, View and Template for that view, registering Blueprint for that view in `DEFAULT_BLUEPRINTS` variable, your new item will be added to the app. * There are 2 main view, `client`, `dashboard` and `admin`, which is for main control. Most of the models will use only these views to show themself instead of own views.